Friday, September 23, 2011

How can military members serve under Obama when you swore to uphold the constitution?

Okay so I know this totally seems like a trolling question but I'm serious. Obama has said the constituion is seriously flawed and doesn't say what the country must do for citizens. Many of his policies and things he is doing are also unconstitutional. %26lt;BR%26gt;%26lt;BR%26gt;I believe all military members are sworn to uphold the constitution, how can you serve under Obama and uphold the constitution? Also, totally hypothetical right here but if Obama tried to take guns away from citizens where would you side on the issue, with the citizens or with Obama?|||Glad I'm out!%26lt;/DIV%26gt;%26lt;H3 class=reference%26gt;Source(s):%26lt;/H3%26gt;%26lt;DIV class=reference%26gt;Former Marine|||They do uphold the Constitution, especially the part that reads, "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States".

The military doesn't have a say (other than voting with the rest of the population of the US) in who their Commander in Chief is. All they do is obey the orders that come down the chain of command.

*EDIT* - One very important thing that was told to us when I was in boot camp: You don't have to respect the person, but you have to respect the office and uniform that person wears (in this case, only the office of President of the Unites States). This was in reference to officers you may not like, but pertains all the way up the chain of command, even to the civilian leaders (President, Secretary of Defense, etc.).

.|||I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Notice the part about obeying orders of the President? We didn't elect him, the American Public did, we just have to obey him. And it is defend, not uphold, there is a difference. It is not up to the military to interpret the Constitution, that is what freely elected politicians and appointed Supreme Court Justices are for. Don't like the way things are going? Then it is up to you to exercise one of those Constitutional Rights we defend by voting and electing somebody else instead of just coming on here and venting. (ain't a Democratic Republic a wonderful thing?)|||1. The Constitution IS flawed. If you read it, it is extraordinarily vague. This has been pointed out by previous presidents and government officials and is outlined in scholarly articles. In fact, the founding fathers knew this and this is why we have Amendments to create specifications.

2. Please give an example and a source of how his actions were unconstitutional.

3. Obama is not trying to take away guns. He is merely raising restrictions on gun use.|||As a military member I do not serve President obama i serve the united states of america, obama is just my commander in chief hes the highest in my chain of command I do not fight for him i fight to keep the country safe and free it may have flaws but I serve to keep it safe so that it may get better in time, who knows were we will be in 20 yrs but I would sacrifice my life to protect america and keep it being what I think the best country in the world from my expirience seeing other countries.|||Blah, blah blah.

You weren't complaining when the last guy stomped all over the Constitution so go to the Politics section with the other ideological trolls where this belongs.|||Let's start by stating the obvious - unlike Obama, you are no Constitutional scholar.

Obama said that the Constitution isn't a perfect document. Of course it isn't. It enshrined slavery as an accepted part of society. The Founding Fathers knew that it wasn't perfect. Why do you think they started out with ten amendments (Bill of Rights) and allowed for the ability to further amend the document? Heck, they even had a process where the entire document could be scrapped and rewritten. It's also no coincidence that the first ten amendments dealt with citizen's rights. You can uphold the Constitution while also attending to things that the document should, but does not address. By saying what he did, Obama wasn't saying the Constitution shouldn't be upheld. He's saying that the job of government doesn't end with only the Constitution, because it's neither complete nor perfect.

So why is Obama somehow unfit for pointing out the completely obvious? How many Tea Party candidates got elected on the premise that Congress is dysfunctional and has to be fixed? By your logic, doesn't that make them unfit to serve in Congress?

How many conservatives are elected on the premise that government can't do or solve any problems? Doesn't that make them uniquely unqualified to run government?

Your hypothetical isn't just hypothetical, it's idiotic. Obama has never done a single thing to restrict gun ownership. Come up with a hypothetical that isn't based on complete stupidity.

Funny how the question author and the first answerer are in agreement, and both attempt to misuse formatting codes in the same way. Do you really need to create a troll handle just to support yourself?|||Plus everyone know Obama Indonesian citizen.

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