Sunday, September 18, 2011


Does the military ever get any free time? Like after they go to basic and finish AIT do they get weekends off to do as they please or are they training 7 days a week constantly? The reason i ask is because i saw a bunch of military people downtown at a club and was just wondering how much time they get off if any? Thanks i am talking about combat MOS if that makes a difference.

Thanks|||Yes, we get more time off than you can imagine. HAHA. As active duty infantry I worked monday - friday. Sometimes training, sometimes paperwork stuff, sometimes fixing vehicles, sometimes cleaning weapons, sometimes cutting grass, sometimes picking up trash, sometimes mopping and sweeping. TRAINING for us was 1 day a week you actually practice (clearing houses, going to the range to shoot, ect.) and then 1 week out of the month (usually 5 days sometimes 7-8) you go out in the "field" where you sleep in the mud and the rain and train. and then once ever 3-5 months, you go to the field for about 3 weeks. Now, for time off. all weekends that arent during a field exercise. or if you are pulling "CQ" or STAFF DUTY which is a 24 hour (guard) sort of thing that we have to pull sometimes an individual soldier will only have to do this 1 24 hour shift every 3-4 months (if your a good soldier) you get EVER federal holiday off, which is ALOT of holidays, (usually you get a 3 or 4 day weekend once a month or so) and you get 30 days of "vacation time" off, which is called "leave"

hope this helps :D|||During my military career (25 years in the Reg Force in Canada), unless you were deployed or on exercise, it was pretty much a regular job. The job I had involved shiftwork for about 1/2 my career (maybe less), but usually, we worked 8-4, 5 days a week, with weekends and stat holidays off. We might be required for an overnight duty in the Duty Centre, or things like that, but most of the time, the hours were much like anyone else would have.

In the field - a completely different story!|||Unless he is in the field or pulling 24 hour duty my husband is home every night and has weekends off as do most Soldiers. Being in the Military is not prison they do get time off after all it's a job

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