Sunday, September 18, 2011

What should ufologists make of military presence?

Have you seen the UFO Hunter episode just shown on the History Channel. They have criteria for an area to be proclaimed a UFO hotspot. I am wandering what to make of the criteria of there being a military post nearby. Maybe they see the post as being there to investigate UFOs. But could they be the origin of the UFOs. UFOs tend to be military aircraft that are experimental and secret. Correct?|||yeah, a lot of military aircraft are spotted and called UFOs. people want it to be aliens though, so they refuse to believe it might be something they just haven't seen before.|||I think that criteria in particular is bogus. The only ones I can see that would cause suspision are the remote ones, like groom lake Area 51 and what not. I think they say this becasue military is government and all accounts of UFO crashes and such usually involve the arrival, dispatch or scramble of military persons or jets.

having been in the military myself and on many differnt bases around the US, I think it's B.S. With all the trianing that goes on from day to day on these bases, most around some sort of city, large town, you think somone would see something or say something. The only base that I would say that is doing some very top secret work is the Area 51 base, wether ot not it's UFOs and all that, is unlikely however.

I'm not a skeptic, I'm a believer, but if the government DOES have knowledge of such things, they are keeping it secret, and I understand why they would do such a thing. And they wouldn't keep that stuff anywhere that is easily accessable or has millions of eyes all around it. Area 51 was built to test aircraft and build top secret prototypes, They keep this crap secret so we can always have 1 up on the enemy, if it's leaked the enemy could counter any attack using this new weapon before we even begin to strike. It would take the Shock and Awe out of the campaign pretty quick. Keeping things secret doesn't mean they are being devious of disonest, you just don't need to know unless you are going to pilot one of these thing or have your boots on the ground fighting the war.|||Not always. The criteria for a military base being nearby in order to be a "hotspot" might also be that the presence of nuclear missile silo's, which emit high electromagnetic fields and small amounts of radiation, might attract ETV's... and in addition to what you think, these are some possible causes.

Difficult to say, but I do know that the criteria are based on correlations of accounts of UFO activity (data from the people who reported them), and not on any specific reasoning outside the scope of those choices.

I actually live in a "hotspot" and have yet to see one where I live. But that doesn't mean I've stopped looking.|||Many UFO sightings are classified experimental aircraft being tested by the military. Some UFO sightings are natural phenomena not recognized by the average person.

However, there is a small percentage of UFO sightings that go unexplained. Even the Air Force's "Project Blue Book" was unable to explain approximately 5% of the UFO sightings that they investigated.

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