Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How did the military help the North win the Civil War?

What are some specifics as to how the Union's military helped them win the Civil War? Please be specific! Thank you!|||First off, the north had many advantages with regard to supplies, manpower and resources. Also, the North had a Navy, the South did not and hoped that Britin or France would help them with that. Neither could enter the war when Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation.

The Generals of the North were an incompetent, jealous and bumbling lot until Lincoln recognized that Grant understood how to fight that war. The numbers favored the North and Grant knew that. He was unconcerned about what lee or any of the other confederate generals did, he wanted them to worry about him and they did. The Union army launched a three pronged plan in 1864 under Grant that proved decisive.

1. Grant would pursue Lee and destroy the army of Northern VA

2. Sherman would take Atlanta, destroy the industry there, march to the sea and ruin the countryside, then turn north through the Carolinas hoping to destroy the will of the southern citizenry.

3. Sheridan would sweep the Shenandoah Valley and destroy the breadbasket of the confederacy, starve the soldiers and the people of the CSA.

All ended up successful, thus the CSA could no longer fight.

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