Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How important is military training in order to join a SWAT team?

I'm a college student and I'm thinking about becoming a cop and eventually joining a SWAT team. I am wondering if military training is a necessity in order to get on SWAT?|||It is not necessary, but it could help. You can learn a lot in the military. Many of the same tactics used by soldiers to clear buildings, etc. are also used by SWAT officers. Being a veteran can help you get a police officer job. Veterans get extra points on civil service tests. Also, some people simply like to hire veterans whenever they get the chance to. If you want to become a SWAT officer, become the best police officer that you can. Maintain an excellent record and reputation. Become as skilled with firearms as you can. Become as physically fit as you can. Best of luck!|||Very Important. Just like going into space without any training. Just like doing a VERY hard test in college when your 8 and not knowing anything|||Who says that you are going to make it in the military or Police Force, too many variables!!!

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