Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How will the military tell the difference if the two parties are homosexual?

The difference between fraternization and sexual discrimination? If the same sex have a relationship and they are in the same military unit, if there is a fraternization complaint, can't they complain too and say that they are being discriminated?|||Tyler is reffering to the "Don't ask Don't tell" policy. They don't like gays in the military, or at least gays that are open about it. So complaining about being discriminated against in an organazation that is against homosexualality will more than likely get you nowhere. fraternization is like enlisted fooling around with an officer in their chain of command. Not neccesarilly the same thing as sometimes the officer or enlisted is female and other is male. And its only bad if you do it with someone within your chain of command.|||They get kicked out under DADT...

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