Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How do obsolete military bases and weapons programs help the US taxpayer?

Whenever someone proposes closing an obsolete military base or weapons program, conservatives says that it can't be done because theses programs generate jobs locally. How do taxpayers who do not work near an obsolete base or weapons program benefit from these program they are paying for?|||They do not benefit at all. It is not to the benefit of the country that the urban wealth generating regions are heavily subsidizing the poorer regions (except for food production). Conservatives are always screaming "free market", "small government", but in fact are the biggest proponents of corporate welfare and irresponsible government spending.|||Wow, you really are slower than I thought. Way to go kid.

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|||Obsolete? Well, think of the cost of building a new one.

Think of the tax payers that can no longer pay taxes due to unemployment. It only puts more people on the unemployment benefits. Oh, no money coming into the outlining community means economic depression of the whole area. Hey, they need to move to your area to compete with you for work now.

Benefits: people making a living (pay taxes and support local/national economy), sometimes these workers help in the development of new technology or refining current technology, and seriously (unless your a trust fund baby) do you want more competition in the workforce? I think right now the competition for jobs is pretty high.|||You blame conservatives, I was apart of the base realignment and closure act in 1990. Congressmen and women of both parties fought hard not to lose their bases in their districts.... Everyone wants cuts, but just for the other guy, not for them.|||Fine you don't want to support the military.

Okay, but don't come crying to me (a veteran and current active duty soldier) when you need someone to protect you because i'm throwing you to the wolves.|||Three A.F. bases within 40 miles of each other in Ca. March, George and Norton have all become civilian air ports and industrial distribution points. March also still bases the A.F. Reserves.|||Again with the partisan politics.

You don't think liberal law makers defend weapons programs manufactured in their districts?|||Taxpayers either pay to maintain the base or pay to maintain the unemployed when the base is gone.|||They don't an it has to end cuts will be made an the military will see it's share.|||Let's close all our European bases.

let's see how well they stand up without us.

Leave a few in England.

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