Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Is the military upset the Democrat Party refuses to send absentee ballots to military personnel?

The State of Illinois has a Democrat Governor, Democrat controlled House, Democrat controlled Senate, Democrat Mayor of Chicago, Democrat controlled board in a Democrat controlled County. My state has a very, very long proven history of voter fraud and intimidation by the Democrat Party. It's been proven over and over again that Republican Richard Nixon won the Presidency due to Democrat Mayor Daley holding votes back and dumping thousands of Republican ballots for Nixon in the Chicago river, giving the win to the corrupt Organized Crime Democrat Kennedy family. This is historical fact. Democrat controlled Illinois is doing it again. They've refused to send our military absentee ballots so they will not be able to vote in this election. Do a search yourself to prove it, it's all over the news here. Why are the Democrats in Illinois engaging in voter manipulation again? Why are they stopping the military from being able to vote?|||We both live in Illinois and we both know the state is corrupt. You said it yourself. Mike Madigan is the most corrupt peace of garbage around and he is responsible for most of the issues. He is a bully and a jackass to say the least.|||The Democrats have done this for years. They use and abuse the military, most Democrats hate us, after spending 27 yrs in the marine corps, I know this first hand. They want us to clean up, and do their dirty work, but they try to keep our pay down, and family support down, and last but not least stop us from voting|||I voted absentee for 20 years. . .I never once had a problem receiving an absentee ballot - even in Haiti.

What is going on with absentee ballots?

EDIT: You do realize that neither political party mails out the ballots, right? I don't know why I didn't think of this before.|||I'm from Illinois and my absentee ballot was mailed last week. Dunno what you are talking about.|||as a whole i cannot answer. as for myself...you know what i do when i get the e-mails about this stuff at work? delete them. i don't care. that's my right|||Because that is what the jackass party does... Nothing new.

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