Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How has being in the military changed you?

Military Commercials always advertise that they'll change you into great leaders when you come home and you're out of the military. I just wanted to know from personal experiences if anyone could give me an example in how being in the military made you a better person/leader.

I respect all military people for fighting for my freedom, thanks.|||When I was eighteen before I Enlisted I should not have run a electric tooth brush. Since my retirement I run two business and an airport.

Confidence and self reliance just as the commercials say|||The Military. Wow. Ok well. I used to be a wild wild kid. While in the Military and growing into an adult, it taught me responsibility, time management, support for others, taught me to be selfless and a good leader. Truth that some people SHOULD NEVER LEAD, you still gain some boost of confidence.

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|||My friend is in Iraq right now and he has changed a lot. But not in the way the commercials talk about. He is dealing with anger issues, and even though he hasn't said it, I also think he might be depressed.

The doctors over there have already told him that he will have to deal with PTSD when he comes home.|||My opinion is were born to be or not to be a good leader..Military just gives you the push you need to enfoce it. I am only the wife but military has changed even me for better. I've learned to become so much more independant and full of self esteem. In my opinion..once you make it through 3-4 deployments and still have a hairline of sanity..your good to go lol|||The Air Force's Core Values are "Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do" I live those every single day. The AF taught me to have self-respect, confidence, and an understanding that there's more to life than what's in front of me. I think the one thing that all branches teach is an understanding that there's more to life than just living you're own.|||Being in the military taught me teamwork, discipline, goal attainment and leadership skills - all very invaluable assets.

Chief Petty Officer

U.S. Navy, Retired

1968-1990|||you ever seen that Marine poster that reads "the change is forever" ? well they aint lying.

join the Marines and youll find out for sure!|||taught me leadership eventually you will be in charge as you make rank i found out i was a great leader

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