Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How many civilians work for the military or agencies of the military?

For instance there is approximately 1.1 million US army soldiers. How many civilians are there that work for military agencies? What is the ration for civilians vs military (all military,not just army)?

I know a sargeant that repairs tanks and he mentioned how he wants to work for the government or the army as a civilian repairing tanks and get paid much more. Are there many jobs like that,that exist? Did I misunderstand what he said?|||there is alot of agencies that work for the military, to be honest and this is my opinion but i just got out of the service. i would say the civilian side has more then the actual enlisted. for example u have VT griffin, lockheed martin, hell even the military police is going away and civilans are taking that over too, as well as gate guards.

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