Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is the difference between military strategy and military tactics?

I am confused at to what the difference is between military tactics and military strategy. Can somebody please explain to me the difference?|||I believe that tactics are more specific, whereas strategy is the overall plan. Strategy consists of tactics.

In the case of nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons are for use against military targets. Strategic nuclear weapons are for countervalue targets (usually cities).|||{Strategic Level - National or Theater Command Level, Operational Level - Joint task force level (multi-force) to maneuver brigade level, Tactical Level -Maneuver Brigade Level down to the Individual soldiers.} From Army FM 3-0. Tac nukes = smaller. Original answer is wrong.

-CPT Pendleton (Army)

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|||Strategy deals with the larger means of a conflict - identifying which things the enemy values and how they might be denied to him or placed at risk in order to win the conflict; which battles are fought, at which times and where.

Tactics are how strategy is implemented once the battles are planned and troops committed to those battles - the use and movement of specific units of troops; how troops fight once they come into contact with the enemy. Specifically, the word tactics is used to identify particular ways in which troops fight battles.|||simple .. Strategy for tactical genius who stand beyond a desk, tactics for us, mud dog's. Generals draw the strategies, we follow the tactical order's ; strategy master's watch us via satellites when we die for tactical reason's.

got it?|||You have a few good, right answers.

Strategy is the concept, plan, formulation of the attack, battle, war.

Tactics is the implementation, the carry out, the follow through and the result of the strategy, win or loose.|||Strategy is the planing and organizing. It is how they are going to do something.

Tactics is the acting or the actual doing part. It is the action part of it. (even though tactics is not a verb)|||Tactics have to do with how to win a specific battle for example, while strategy is how doing that battle fits in with the overall plan and goals|||tactics are what you use in a battle

strategy is what you use in setting up the battle|||strategy=macro


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